Architectural Louver FAQs
Find answers to specific product category, safety, design, and environmental questions.
- AMCA does not test or certify louvers for snow so there is no way to gauge performance in snow conditions.
- Yes, most CS louvers have standard glazing frames for integration into curtainwall. We also routinely push new custom frame extrusions to match a custom curtainwall system.
- Call/Locate your local representative.
- Call CS directly.
- Call/Locate your local representative.
- Call CS directly.
- Always confirm the product is AMCA certified at
- The louver technical performance data sheet will have an AMCA seal for the specific test.

- No louver is waterproof. While some louvers are tested for wind-driven rain, they may not be 100% effective in a variety of potential real-world conditions.
- Lead times vary by product, size, complexity, and manufacturing volume. CS will do our best to meet your schedule and exceed your expectations.
- Call/Locate your local representative.
- Call CS directly at 800.233.8493
- Air Movement and Control Association. AMCA is the third-party testing agency for the louver industry. AMCA tests and certifies louvers for air, water, and impact performance. Learn more at
- A louver has air/water performance requirements associated with it and is typically connected to HVAC mechanical equipment. A screenwall is an enclosure/vision barrier for aesthetic purposes only.
- A shop drawing is a multi-page drawing submittal detailing the building and product (elevations, plan views and details). A tear sheet is a simple one page drawing showing only the product in detail and plan view.
- For over a century, CENTRIA has been a leader in the commercial construction industry providing cutting edge, high performance products. They offer a wide variety of products and services, including a comprehensive line of exterior metal building products that give a dramatic edge to some of the world’s finest commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings.
- Our companies began a formal partnership in 2001, and since that time have developed a number of integrated product offerings aimed at providing the highest quality comprehensive building envelope solutions.
- All sun control systems and most Storm-Resistant, Extreme-Weather, Drainable, Non-Drainable, Perform and Bold Line Louvers can be integrated with any of CENTRIA’s Dimension Series Panels. There are also integrated louver options available for CENTRIA’s MetalWrap insulated backup panels and Super-Rib exposed fastener panels.
- Simply contact your local CS Representative, who can provide details and make arrangements for any additional design assistance needed.
- Using the platform of CS models RS-7315 or RS-9615, we make adaptations that allow us to use CENTRIA MetalWrap panels at the inactive areas in place of CS standard blankoff panels. This allows for better air and water seals, and great improved thermal performance due to the highest quality insulation and full thermal break offered by the CENTRIA panel system.
- There are three main criteria that we use to identify the right MetalWrap Louver application:
- A large louvered area, wherein there is a mix of active and inactive areas with more than 50% of the total area being inactive.
- The desired look is a continuous, monolithic louvered appearance with no visual differentiation between the active and inactive areas.
- The space behind the louvered area is conditioned.
- Adhering to these three criteria will ensure that your building achieves the highest quality product solution, and in many cases realize a significant cost savings vs. the traditional louver and insulated blankoff setup.
- Contact your local CS Representative for any pricing/budget inquiries.
- Simply specify that all louver/sunshade components match the specific CENTRIA color desired for your project. CS has developed custom formulations matching the entire range of CENTRIA colors, which can be seen on thousands of projects across the world.
- Yes! When integrated with CENTRIA panels, the quintessential components of the louver remain unchanged. Using modifications to the framework only, we can provide the same air and watertight seals as the CENTRIA insulated metal panel systems.
- Yes! The integrated fastening method is Dade County Certified for a variety of models and will maintain all of the same hurricane/impact ratings as the standard connection method.